Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Grade 8 Science Term Project

Science 206 and 205 term project will be due on Thursday, February 26th. Students can choose to do either a design challenge on Fluids or a Science Fair Project. For the Design Challenge they can do any one of the three design challenges from pages 134-135 in their science book. They must include a report following the scientific method with their project. Students can work alone or with one other student. Each project will be presented to their science class during the first week of March . A Science Fair Project can be an alternate choice. Students must follow the guidelines for doing a science fair project. Check out the following website for details and project ideas. http://stas.edu.pe.ca/english/sub.cfm?section=science Any student who wishes to do a science fair project must pass in their proposal by January 29th. All projects (science fair or design challenge) must be passed in on or before February 26th. The SIS Science Fair will be held on March 10th in the SIS Gym.

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