Sunday, April 27, 2008

Grade 8 Science Field Trip

Science 206 and 209 will be going on 4 short field trips over the month of May and early June. We have to visit the site over a number of trips to collect data to determine how healthy our stream is and to learn about the site. The classes are adopting a river near the Blue Shank Road.

Permission forms were sent home on Thursday, April 24th.
They need to be returned ASAP.

This is the schedule for the field trips.

Field Trip # Activity 8G and 8H Date /Time
1. Site Description and Evaluation
Monday, May 5th

2. Stream Physical and Chemical Parameters
Tuesday, May 13th

3. Macro-Invertebrate Collection
Monday, May 26th

4. Enhancement of Site/Planting Trees
Wednesday, June 4th

Grade 7 Science Test

Science 313 will write their test on Monday, April 28th. This is a change in date from Wednesday, April 23rd. The date was changed due a grade level assembly that occurred during the period allocated for the test.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Grade 7 Science Quiz

A quiz will be held next week on the Heat Unit.

Science 313 will write their quiz on Wednesday, April 23rd
Science 309 will write their quiz on Thursday, April 24th

A review will be done in class and each student will have a corrected review sheet to help them prepare for the quiz.

Grade 8 Science Quiz

Science 206 and Science 209 will write a quiz on Thursday, April 24th.
The quiz will be on the Optic Unit. A review sheet will be given to all students and corrected in class to help them prepare for the quiz.

Grade 9 Science Quiz

Science 105 and Science 106 will have a quiz next week.
Science 106 will write their quiz on Thursday, April 24th and Science 105 on Friday, April 25th. The quiz will cover Chapter 5 in the science book plus section 6.1 and 6.2 in Chapter 6. A review sheet and review will be done in class prior to the quiz.

Grade 8 Science

Science 206 and Science 209 will be going on a field trip to the Jubilee Theatre this Wednesday, April 23rd. Permission forms have already been given to students. Forms are to be returned ASAP to Mrs. Caissy. There is no cost for this field trip.

The field trip will be covering some of the Optics Unit that the students are currently studying in class. The focus wiil be lightning, coloring mixing, creating different moods on stage with the variuos light sources, and using filters.

Grade 7, 8 and 9 Science

Report cards will be going home on Tuesday, April 22 nd. Marks will be finalized this weekend. In order to give credit for all work completed , students are asked to have all overdue work submitted to Mrs. Caissy no later than 3:10 pm on Thursday, April17th.